
At DTU Earthbound, we bring together DTU students and researchers through climate-focused events and collaborations, creating a climate tech community and an active pipeline of climate innovators. This mobilisation activity leads to the discovery of high-potential climate technologies across research labs at DTU, which are advanced toward real-world solutions through hands-on venture-building support. Our goal is to build an enduring climate tech community at DTU that launches impactful startups - delivering purposeful solutions for climate challenges.

Our portfolio advances climate tech across three key impact areas:

Our approach allows researchers to target specific, high-impact challenges within these areas, leveraging their technology’s unique strengths to drive meaningful climate impact and build resilience against climate change.

Invitation to Collaborate: We encourage researchers to apply and explore how their work can contribute to these focus areas.

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To mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, we seek technology innovations that address the following goals:

  1. Decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors - Technologies with an entry point to address problem areas, including long distance and heavy transport, heavy industry (steel, chemicals, cement), and agriculture. This includes engineered and nature-based carbon removal and utilization.
  2. Renewable energy integration and grid modernization - Technologies to accelerate and scale renewable energy, including energy storage and grid optimization technologies
  3. "Quick wins” to scale recognized solutions – Technologies that speed up the deployment and scaling of proven solutions, such as reducing waste and inefficiencies in food systems and industry. More ideas can be found in the Drawdown Solutions Library.

We prioritize projects based on secondary environmental benefits and risks. We will consider biodiversity enhancing and circularity projects that reduce or remove CO2e and data-driven tools and analytics to support discoveries and decision-making within the above goals.